Text Decor

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
      Your first page
      Text tricks
         Color tutorial
         Background Color
         Background Pictures
         Text Color
         Link Colors
         Text Decoration
         You Try It
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
Text Decorations
There are other ways to change a line of text or a link. One way is through modifying the <a> or the <p> tag. You may have noticed that some of my links don't have underlines. There is a way to change them to have no underline - no "decoration" around them. The code looks like:
<a href="" style="text-decoration : none;" > This link will have no underline</a>
It is sometimes useful to use these style tags on <div> or <p> sections too. Here are a couple tags you may not have seen:
<p style="text-decoration : overline;" > This section has a line above the text</p>
It looks like:
This section has a line above the text
<p style="text-decoration : line-through;"> This text has a line through it.</a>
It looks like:
This section has a line through it.
<p style="text-decoration:underline;"> This text has a line under it.</a>
It looks like:
This text has a line under the text

And that's about it! You know all of the basics. From here on out, it gets a little more complicated, but if you've kept up so far, you'll be fine. Great job reaching the end of section one!
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