Section 2 - Basics Your first page Formatting Paragraphs Divisions Headings Alignment Breaks Horizontal Lines You Try It! Text tricks Pictures Links Backgrounds Section 4 - Advanced Section 5 - Publishing Section 6 - Extras Appendices |
Now that you can make a simple document that contains words, it's time to learn how to organize the words on the page. By learning formatting tricks, your page will be easier to read. You will be learning several new tags this lesson that will add structure to your document. There is a lot to learn this lesson, and you will have the opportunity to practice along the way. When you see the code in the yellow box, that's the tags you'll need to use. Unless otherwise stated, you will need to use closing tags after an opening tag. (That means a <code> tag is always followed by a </code> tag.) When you are done with this lesson, you will be able to make paragraphs, divisions, headings, align your text, put in spaces and horizontal lines.