Section 2 - Basics Your first page Formatting Text tricks Bold Italics Pre-formatted text Centering Underline Cut that out Ups and downs Typewritten font Big and small You try it Pictures Links Backgrounds Section 4 - Advanced Section 5 - Publishing Section 6 - Extras Appendices |
Now that you can format a paper, your text is feeling a little left out. In this lesson, you will learn a few of the ways to get your text to do some of the crazy things you've wanted to do. These commands are pretty basic, and I'm sure you'll be using most of them from time to time. Don't freak out if you can't remember every tag. There are places around the internet you can look to find the tags. It's important now that you know what they can do and how to use them. In this lesson, you will learn how to make bold text, italic text, text that has a unique look, complete with strange spacing. Centered text, underlined text, and text that has a line through it will be learned. You can make big text, small text, superscript and subscript text, and text that looks like it was typewritten. WOW!!!