Text Color

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
      Your first page
      Text tricks
         Color tutorial
         Background Color
         Background Pictures
         Text Color
         Link Colors
         Text Decoration
         You Try It
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
Text color
There are two ways to change the color of text in a document. The first will change all of the text in the document. The second is used for changing a word, phrase, letter, or paragraph.

The first goes in the body tag, along with background color or picture information. Here's how it looks:
<body text="#660066">
You can use this along with the background picture or background color... or both! Here's how that would look:
<body text="#660066" background="clouds.jpg" bgcolor="white">
This would make a cloudy background with purple text. If, for some reason, the picture didn't load, the default background would be white. Let's look at that.
<body text="#660066" background="clouds.jpg" bgcolor="white">
This is the text in the document. <br>
I am only putting it here so you can see what it looks like over the top of the background image, which is a pretty picture of clouds and which has the name of clouds.jpg. <br>
I hope you enjoy seeing this.
What you see
This is the text in the document.

I am only putting it here so you can see what it looks like over the top of the background image, which is a pretty picture of clouds and which has the name of clouds.jpg.

I hope you enjoy seeing this.
You use the <body text=" "> code when all of the text is one color. There is another way to change the color of text in your document, but this should only be used for a section. This is the <font> tag. Here's how it looks:
<font color="#3333cc"> </font>
This particular tag will produce a nice blue font. Notice that is must have an "end" tag or all of the remaining font will be blue too. Also notice that I didn't use capital letters this time. It doesn't matter much in HTML code.

Here's that light blue font in action:
This is the way that you make a <font color="3333cc"> section of blue font </font> in the middle of a sentence.
What you see
This is the way that you make a section of blue font in the middle of a sentence.
Make sure you don't change fonts too often, and make sure they stand out from the background color or image you're using.
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