
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
      Your first page
      Text tricks
         Color tutorial
         Background Color
         Background Pictures
         Text Color
         Link Colors
         Text Decoration
         You Try It
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
Picking a font
The <font> tag you just learned can do a lot more than change colors of the font. You can change which font you're using on the page too. Some fonts work on every computer, but some will only work on certain computers. For example, my computer has the font "SchoolHouse Cursive A" but yours may not. You computer may have "Brush Script" or it may not. Some font types, like "Arial Black" are common on most computers.

Here's the deal about fonts. It's fun to change fonts, but it may or may not work. If you have the font on your computer, but the viewer doesn't have it on theirs, your page won't look right. When you decide to change a font, think it through carefully.

When you decide to change a font, it's pretty easy. It looks like:
<font face=" "> </font>
Between the quotation marks goes the name of the font. Here are some common fonts that should work on both Mac and PC computers
(stolen from
Arial face="Arial"
Arial Black face="Arial Black"
Comic Sans MS face="Comic Sans MS"
Courier New face="Courier New"
Georgia face="Georgia"
Times New Roman face="Times New Roman"
Trebuchet MSface="Trebuchet MS"
Verdana face="Verdana"
Here you can see what the code would be and what it looks like. You can also use this with font sizes, colors and faces. Here's an example:
You can use the font tag to make a <font color="3333cc" size=+2 face="Impact"> really cool effect </font> in your page of text.
What you see
You can use the font tag to make a really cool effect in your page of text.
make sure that the changing font adds to your page and doesn't detract from it. Too many fonts, too large of text, too much text... anything can make a page turn ugly.

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