Section 2 - Basics Your first page Formatting Text tricks Pictures Links Backgrounds Section 4 - Advanced Section 5 - Publishing Section 6 - Extras Appendices |
You're ready to begin. First, open up a blank page in an appropriate program. I'm going to skip to the end and teach you how to save an HTML document 'cause it's just easier now than later. Remember that when you save a document, the title should contain no spaces or unusual characters. Documents should be saved as .htm or .html documents. The choice is up to you, but the html is easier to remember. Here are ways to save an HTML document. Examples:
You try it! Idea: You are to make a web page using the four tags you have learned so far. You may make the title and the body say whatever you'd like. Here's how: On the webpage, type the following tags into your html document. The black words are text, and you can put whatever text you'd like in those places.
After you have created the page, save it. Make sure it ends with ".html" or ".htm" or it won't work. Drag and drop the completed page into Internet Explorer or Netscape. You should be able to view your completed page. If it didn't work, make sure every line and symbol is in place and try again. Once you have gotten the page to work, go on to the next lesson.