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Color tutorial When you were younger, you probably learned that the primary colors of paint are red, yellow and blue. You can make orange, green and purple by mixing the primary colors together, and every other color by blending different amounts of pigment. Light comes in three primary colors too. They are red, green and blue. When you mix red and green light, you get yellow. Green and blue mixed make aqua. Red and blue make purple. Again, by changing how much of each color you use, you can get many more colors. To get colors online, there is a six digit code to get that color. The first two digits are red, the second two are green, and the final two are blue. An example of the code looks like this: Here's where it gets tricky though. It would be easy to think of this as 33 parts red, 66 parts green, and 99 parts blue, but computers aren't that simple. Because they use binary code, the numbers would have to either be base 8 or base 16. Just by looking at this you can tell that there's a nine, so these numbers must be base 16. Instead of 0-9, the numbers go from 0-F. If you were counting in these numbers, it would be 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. The number after F would be 10. The number after 19 would be 1A. It takes a lot of thinking to think in base sixteen. Let's simplify. F is maximum color. I like to think of it as "full color." Zero (0) is no color. If you had the code "000000" that would be black because there is no light at all. If you had the code "FFFFFF" it would be white because a fullness of balanced light is white light. Here is a short table showing some common colors.
You don't need to memorize these numbers. There are a lot of places online that will tell you the numbers for various colors. You can also figure out numbers by experimenting. On the box below, clicking on the arrows will change the background color. By clicking on the code letters, you can change them to any figure between 00 and FF. Feel free to try it!