Image Tags

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
      Your first page
      Text tricks
         Image Tag
         Alt Tag
         Saving Pictures
         Gif and jpg
         You try it
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
The <img> Tag
The basic command to insert a picture is <img>. It does NOT require a closing tag. This is a very dull tag as it is. You haven't told the computer what image to place on the page, where you want the image, or any other features of the image. If you were to place the tag as-is on a page, it looks like:

Like I said, very boring.

The first thing you need to tell the computer is the source of the image. You will need to modify the image tags to more closely resemble:
<img src="">
Between the two sets of quotation marks goes the name of the picture. It is usually something.gif or something.jpg, but there are a couple other acceptable formats. Let me show you how this works with an actual picture. I have already uploaded a picture of a floppy disc named "floppy.gif" and I'll use that for this demonstration.
<img src="floppy.gif">
What you see
As it stands, if I was putting this picture into a line of text and I didn't modify it further, the picture of the floppy disc would become part of the text line. Let's look at this paragraph with the picture inserted into the middle.
As it stands, if I was putting this picture into a line of text and I didn't modify it further, the picture of the floppy disc <img src="floppy.gif"> would become part of the text line. Let's look at this paragraph with the picture inserted into the middle.
What you see
As it stands, if I was putting this picture into a line of text and I didn't modify it further, the picture of the floppy disc would become part of the text line. Let's look at this paragraph with the picture inserted into the middle.

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