Section 2 - Basics Your first page Formatting Paragraphs Divisions Headings Alignment Breaks Horizontal Lines You Try It! Text tricks Pictures Links Backgrounds Section 4 - Advanced Section 5 - Publishing Section 6 - Extras Appendices |
Breaks TAGS USED: <br> The "br" in this tag stands for a break. Breaks are one of the most useful tags you can imagine. They can go anywhere, even in the middle of words, if necessary. They act like the "enter" or "return" bar on a keyboard. One <br> tag moves the text down to the next line. Two <br> tags will move it down two lines, skipping a space. Use as many as you need to format the document. Note: you do NOT need a tag that says </br>. Examples:
There is one more thing that might be useful with the <br> tag. You can make sure that the next sentence or item will start a new line. (You want to be sure the coast is clear before your next sentence.) The tag you will use is <br clear="all">. Notice that it's the same <br> tag, only this time you've told it to make sure everything is out of the way before beginning again.