Image Maps

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
      Fancy Lists
      Advanced Tables
      Style Sheets
      Image Maps
         Why Image Maps?
         Suitable Images
         Select Hot Spots
         The Code
         You try it
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
On this page, you'll see three examples of Image Maps and their codes. The links aren't supposed to go much of anywhere, so don't be disappointed if they don't work. This is to give you ideas on how to use image maps on your sites.

<area shape="Circle" href="#imhead" coords="65,65 55" title="Head">
<area shape="rect" HREF="#body" coords="58,120 69,240" title="Body">
<area shape="polygon" href="#rightarm" coords="17,171 30,185 57,165 57,139" title="Right Arm">
<area shape="Circle" href="#righthand" coords="15,187 12" title="Right Hand">
<area shape="polygon" href="#leftarm" coords="70,132 114,162 103,175 70,151" title="Left Arm">
<area shape="circle" href="#lefthand" coords="117,177 11" title="Left Hand">
<area shape="polygon" href="#rightleg" coords="58,234 62,253 29,310 0,317 2,306 18,299" title="Right Leg">
<area shape="polygon" href="#leftleg" coords="69,236 62,253 85,313 114, 321 115,311 98,301" title="Left Leg">

<IMG USEMAP="#smiley" SRC="smileman.jpg" BORDER="0" align=right>