Start numbers

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
      Fancy Lists
         Compact lists
         Nesting lists
         Unordered types
         Ordered types
         Start numbers
         Putting it together
         You Try It!
      Advanced Tables
      Style Sheets
      Image Maps
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
One more nifty thing you can do with those ordered lists. Take a look at this one:
  1. Check - Dentist
  2. Check - Phone bill
  3. Check - Groceries
Notice how this list didn't start with the number one? You can specify where your list starts. Here's how you'd do that with Roman numerals.
<ol type="I" start="5">
<li> Chicken</li>
<li> Rich</li>
<li> Bo Peep</li>
What you see
  1. Chicken
  2. Rich
  3. Bo Peep
With letters, you do it much the same way.
<ol type="A" start="5">
<li> Stuart</li>
<li> Miss Muffett</li>
<li> Richard</li>
What you see
  1. Stuart
  2. Miss Muffett
  3. Richard
But just for a moment, suppose you want to be difficult. Suppose you want to skip a number in the middle. You can also change the <li> to specify a number. Every list item after that one will follow the new numbering scheme. Some hotels skip the 13th floor. Let's look at something similar:
<ol type="1" start="11">
<li> Lobby</li>
<li> Dining</li>
<li value="14"> Ballroom</li>
<li> Suites</li>
What you see
  1. Lobby
  2. Dining
  3. Ballroom
  4. Suites
Note that instead of "start" you list "value" under a list item.
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