Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
Fancy Lists
Compact lists
Nesting lists
Unordered types
Ordered types
Start numbers
Putting it together
You Try It!
Advanced Tables
Style Sheets
Image Maps
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
Back when you learned lists, you learned how to make a simple list that involved a few key tags. Let's look at a nice, normal dictionary list. Each letter in the series has two words that follow it. What you would see is this:
- A
- Apple
- Anaconda
- B
- Banana
- Boa
- C
- Casaba
- Cobra
While that is a very nice list, it's not exactly paradise if you're trying to save space. The answer is to compact the list. To do that, just add the "compact" command within the list tag. It looks like this:
- <dl COMPACT>
<dt>A</dt> <dd>Apple</dd><dd>Anaconda</dd>
<dt>B</dt> <dd>Banana</dd><dd>Boa</dd>
<dt>C</dt> <dd>Casaba</dd><dd>Cobra</dd></dl>
This particular list would now look like this:
- A
- Apple
- Anaconda
- B
- Banana
- Boa
- C
- Casaba
- Cobra
You won't use compact too often, but know it's there. It should be noted that it has been depreciated, or the use has been discouraged, in versions of HTML 4.01 or later. By the way, not only can definition lists be compacted, but ordered and unordered, although it honestly doesn't save much space. Next lesson is more useful. I promise.