Ordered list types

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
      Fancy Lists
         Compact lists
         Nesting lists
         Unordered types
         Ordered types
         Start numbers
         Putting it together
         You Try It!
      Advanced Tables
      Style Sheets
      Image Maps
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
In the last lesson, you learned how to change the list type for unordered lists. You can also do this with ordered lists, and this is even more useful. Ther are five types of ordered lists. The types are:
ILarge Roman numerals
AUppercase letters
aLowercase letters
iLowercase Roman numerals
To use these, you specify list type exactly as you learned with unordered lists. That would look like this:
<ol type="I">
<ol type="A">
<ol type="1">
<ol type="a">
<ol type="i">
Juice Menu:
<ol type="I">
What you see
Juice Menu:
  1. Apple
  2. Grape
  3. Orange
This is incredibly useful when making an outline on your page. You can get the computer to nest numbered lists of different types. Here's an example. The spacing and colors are just to make it easier to read.
<ol type="I">
   <ol type="A">
   <li>Main Point
      <ol type="1">
         <ol type="a">
         <li>Supporting info
             <ol type="i">
         <li>Supporting info
   <li>Main Point
What you see
  1. Introduction
  2. Body
    1. Main Point
      1. Sub-point
      2. Sub-point
        1. Supporting info
          1. Detail
          2. Detail
        2. Supporting info
    2. Main Point
  3. Conclusion

Admittedly, I made this long and complicated, but this is to show you what things you can accomplish with ordered lists.
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