Section 2 - Basics Section 4 - Advanced Fancy Lists Forms Advanced Tables Frames You are here About frames Frameset Frame source & name Target & Noframes Frameset borders, etc. Scrolling & Resizing Should you? Try it Style Sheets Image Maps Section 5 - Publishing Section 6 - Extras Appendices |
Ok, you've chosen to view the section on how to create frames without using frames. Does that seem weird to you? If you'd prefer frames, you may choose to do so, but if you'd prefer to have the frameless pages, proceed. From time to time in this lesson, there will be links that you can click on to show you what framed pages look like. These are NOT available in a frameless version. (Duh, 'cause you're learning about how to make frames..." Anyway, just be aware that these will surface now and then. As you can tell, an addition to the table of contents has appeared at the left of the page. You may use this to navigate, or the buttons at the bottom of the page. Either way, I hope this is a good section for you.