
Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
      Fancy Lists
      Advanced Tables
         About frames
         Frame source & name
         Nesting Frames
         Target & Noframes
         Frameset borders, etc.
         Scrolling & Resizing
         Margin width, borders
         Should you? Try it
      Style Sheets
      Image Maps
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
You now know how to make and use basic frames. Now that you know the basics, you can begin to modify your framed pages to look any way you'd like. In this lesson, you'll learn to modify the borders around the frames to be as wide or as narrow as you'd like. You can even make them disappear entirely.

The first command you will learn is framespacing. This tells the computer how much space to leave between frames. This goes in the <frameset> tag. It looks like this:
<frameset cols="20,10,*" framespacing="10">
First, if you look closely, you'll notice that there are three columns. I just did this for fun. There should be additional space between the frames though. Let's take a look at that.
See the frames now

As you can see, there is a much larger border between the frames.

The next thing you can do to modify the frames is to specify whether you want a two-dimensional or a 3D border. This is done with FRAMEBORDER command. This also goes in the <frameset> tag. Let's keep the same frames seen above and show you what it looks like with and without the frameborder.

The default for frameborder is "yes." Let's look at the frameborder on and off.
<frameset cols="20,10,*" framespacing="10" frameborder="yes"> <frameset cols="20,10,*" framespacing="10" frameborder="no">
Produces this pageProduces this page
As you can tell, both frames have borders, but there is a different look between the two of them.

Finally, there is one more command we'll discuss here. That is the "border" command. The frameborder is either a "yes" or "no," but this border is one you can resize. Let's look at the frames we've already made. On each, let's put a border with a width of 4 pixels. (One is the default.) Here's how you make that command and what it looks like:
<frameset cols="20,10,*" framespacing="10" frameborder="yes" border="4"> <frameset cols="20,10,*" framespacing="10" frameborder="no" border="4">
Produces this pageProduces this page

If that wasn't entirely clear, my apologies. The spacing and border seem to do about the same thing. Just be aware that both codes may be available. Have fun experimenting with these.
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