Section 2 - Basics Lists Basic Tables Marquee Meta Sounds Comments Using comments You Try It! Section 4 - Advanced Section 5 - Publishing Section 6 - Extras Appendices |
If there is anything you want hissen on your website, there is a tag that will tell the computer to not show that writing. The tag is:
In between these two tags, you can format your comments any way you'd like. You can leave spaces and everything. Look at the following: <!--You can do that in your comments if you'd like. You may not put pictures in your comments, and I wouldn't recomment adding extra double-dashes (--) inbetween the first and last tags, but anything else is fair game. Comment tags are good places to put your name and the date, among other things. I have included a comment tag on this page. Don't see it? That's the point. If you want to, either right-click (click and hold, Mac-o-philes) and click on "view source" or at the top of the page click "view" then "source." You can see exactly how I made this page and also real the comment I put in.