Advanced Text

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
Section 3 - Next Level
      Basic Tables
      Advanced Text
         Special Characters
         Block Quotes
         Random Text
         You Try It!
Section 4 - Advanced
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
So far, you've learned how to do many useful things with text. You can make it bold, centered, underlined, italic, big, blue, and superscript all at once. There isn't much more to learn, but this lesson will cover some important tools you might find handy.

In this lesson, you will first learn what ascii characters are and why they might be useful in your writing. You will learn a handy trick known as "blockquote" and then a variety of other rantom text tricks available in HTML. You won't use most of them, but they'll be in your toolbox, just in case.
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