Section 2 - Basics Lists Basic Tables Marquee The basic idea Modifications You Try It! Meta Sounds Comments Section 4 - Advanced Section 5 - Publishing Section 6 - Extras Appendices |
Marquee Before we begin, note that marquees will only work on certain operating systems, and work best on Internet Explorer. If you're on Netscape, I recommend switching to see this page in all its glory. A marquee is a simple tag to put into your document. Here it is:
Background color It is completely optional to change the background of a marquee. The default is the color of the page (a.k.a. clear). If you'd like to make the background another color, you modify the marquee tag as follows:
Width and height You can define your marquee to be as wide as a page, or as narrow as you'd like. You can put height and width commands into your marquee. Here's that same marquee, only this time, it's 300 pixels wide and 50 pixels high.
A couple words of caution here. If you don't put a <br> tag after the marquee, the text will start immediately after the marquee. This can be fun or completely annoying. Also, notice that the height command didn't center the words, make them bigger, or do anything else constructive. It's pretty important when using pictures in your marquee though. Images and fancy text Between the two <marquee> tags you can put almost anything in it you'd like. (I've even seen a table in a marquee!) You can put pictures in there and you can change the text using the commands you already know. Once you have the basics of the table outlined, making it look good is easy. Here's how to make a really fancy one:
Of course, if you're going to make that particular marquee, you'll need to download smileyhead.gif from my files. So, that's the majority of stuff you need to know about the marquee tag. But we have one more lesson in this unit about marquees. What could be left? Plenty!