Unordered Lists

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Unordered List
TAGS USED: <ul> </ul> <li> </li>
Making an unordered list is exactly like making an ordered list. Well, not exactly. Instead of using the <ol> tags, you will use the <ul> tags. This will make a list like before, but instead of numbers, you will have bullets (little dots) in front of the list items.

Again, you will begin with the command to make the list, but this time, an unordered list. You will end with this tag as well. In between go the list items. Be careful that you do not start an ordered list and end an unordered list (<ol> </ul>) or vise-versa because it doesn't work.

Let's look at the list of the seven dwarves again, but this time with an unordered list.
The most charming characters I've ever seen from Disney movies are:
because they're kinda crazy little guys.
What you see
The most charming characters I've ever seen from Disney movies are:
  • Sneezy
  • Grumpy
  • Sleepy
  • Dopey
  • Happy
  • Bashful
  • Doc
because they're kinda crazy little guys.
As you notice, the lists look very similar, but this time they aren't numbered. They have the bullets next to each list item. Some lists work more conveniently like this.

As promised, I am now going to show you how to turn lists into links. It's really basic.
Some really good search engines are:
<a href="">

<a href="">

<a href="">

What you see
Some really good search engines are:
Hope you got all that. The ordered and unordered are the two most common types of lists. The third type is a little different, but useful too.
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