Cascading Style Sheets

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
      Fancy Lists
      Advanced Tables
      Style Sheets
         Type and possibilities
         Text, Dimension
         Padding, list
         Multiple CSS
         You try it
      Image Maps
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
Before you're given the first tags, you should know some things about the appearance of web pages. First of all, there are four ways to control the appearance of the pages. FOUR! Let's put these in order from the least powerful to the most powerful.
  1. First, you can put commands into the header of the document. This will control the appearance of the whole page.
  2. Second, you could create an external style sheet. This is like a mini-program that tells the page what to look like. You can use the information you will learn to make one of these. They're usually ended with the .css ending.
  3. Internal style sheets are third. This consists of a few lines of code that tell the page how to be. You'll be learning this here.
  4. Finally, you can change the font inline. You have already done this using the <font> tag.
Using the <font> tag overrides everything else, but it is often more useful to use the style sheets for whole pages.

The First Tag
Style tags go in the HEAD of the document, not the body. This is also a pretty easy tag to remember:

Not done with these yet. You need to specify what type of style you are using. Don't be alarmed, all style types are the same thing:
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">

So far so good? Yeay. As you might imagine, we are just getting started. Between the style tags go the wonders and mysteries of the Internet. First up, let's learn to change backgrounds.
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