Stuff just for my class

If you're reading this, you're either in my HTML class, or you have too much time on your hands. This page has information about the requirements for the HTML homeroom.

#1 - Daily Participation Each day you get 10 points if you are working and on time. Working consists of either working on webpages, reading, doing homework, or on an official school project. If these points are missed, they can be made up with extra credit reading.
#2 - Weekly BonusIf the student receives full participation points for the week (e.g. 50 in a five day week), bonus points are awarded. This equals four bonus points a day, or 20 in a five day week. If even one point is missed in the week, these points are not given. These points are required to pass. If missed, these may be made up with extra reading.
#3 - Planner ChecksPlanners are checked on the last day of the week. If the planner is completely filled out, it is worth ten points. If the student has the planner at school but it's not filled out, it is worth five. all points are required. Missed points are made up with extra reading.
#4 - ReadingStudents are required to read a minimum of 300 pages per term. This can be the same books read in a reading or English class, but they must be reported on in homeroom as well. Reports, AR quizzes, reading logs, or any proof of reading will count for pages read. If a student reads more than 300 pages, further points will be bonus.
#5 - Final ProjectFor full points, a student must create a set of internet-ready web pages. There are specific requirements for points and also opportunity for bonus points. As full points are required to pass homeroom, students should aim for all of the required points plus the bonus points available.
#6 - MiscDisclosure documents, midterms, and other necessary things all qualify for miscellaneous assignments. Some of these are required while others simply give bonus points.
Homeroom is pass or fail and 100% is passing. Students may achieve the points required for passing far before the end of the term. Such a student is in the "death club," meaning that even death couldn't stop the student from passing the class. Students in the death club by the end of the term receive an award.

Additional awards can be received if students have 200% of the required points or beyond. This is often achieved by avid readers. Candy and goodies are given for these students.

This is a one-term class where the students will work at their own pace. I will be available for help and guidance as needed.