Images - You Try It!

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - Basics
      Your first page
      Text tricks
         Image Tag
         Alt Tag
         Saving Pictures
         Gif and jpg
         You try it
Section 3 - Next Level
Section 4 - Advanced
Section 5 - Publishing
Section 6 - Extras
You try it!
Idea: Insert pictures into a document and modify them to format your page.

Here's an example: I've taken the penguin story and threw in two pictures. Again, new code is in green and old code is in blue. You will need to download the following pictures to get this to work correctly: lokerz.jpg and paper.gif
<html> <head>
<title> My Fourth Page </title>
<h2 align="center"> The Mysterious Penguin of Locker 529 </h2>
<img src="lokerz.jpg" align="right" border="0" width="238" height="159" alt="The scene of the crime." hspace="15">
Deep in the heart of Midvale Middle School lies a <i>chilling</i> secret. A living, breathing creature skulks around the halls at night, waiting for a student to be caught alone, and without protection. Four seventh graders have turned up missing this year, with the only trace being scuffmarks on the floor. Each set of marks led to the same spot:
<center> <b>locker 529</b>. </center>
<img src="paper.gif" width="75" height="65" align="left" alt="The note">
After the disappearance of the third child, a crumpled note was found. It smelled strangely of fish and gym socks. The note read: </p>
<div align="center"> <hr width="200" color="blue" size="3">
Stoo dents   R  safe.
Ink -u   bay  ting eggs.
More air conditioning please!
</pre> <hr width="200" color="blue" size="3">
Later that day, the principal made an announcement. He said,
Students, we know that you have been shocked and saddened by the events of the day, but we urge you not to panic. We know that a <del> dangerous </del> suspicious character is in the building, but we <big> urge </big> you to remain calm. We caution you though to <u> stay out </u> of the school after dark.
Please add pictures into your own website. Modify them to make your site look as professional as possible.
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