Hopefully you can see the column of smiley-faces on the left of the screen. To get these faces, you want to make a background picture, but instead of tiling both across and down, you only want them to tile in the y axis (up and down). Here's the code for that:
<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url("smilest2.gif");
background-repeat: repeat-y}
As you might have guessed, you can also get them to tile in the X axis too (across the top of the page).

Here are what the punctuation marks and code means:
body {background-image: url('smilest2.gif');
This code should already be familiar. the item you're modifying with the style sheet is the body. Regarding the body, you want to create and manipulate a background image. The the url of the image is (in this case) smileyhead.gif. You'll notice that the url is in single quotes rather than double quotes. This is less confusing, but double quotes works the same.

There is one more item you should see on this line, and that's the semi-colon (;) at the end. This means that you're through with one command, but another will follow.
background-repeat: repeat-y}
This is the second command in this series. again, this command relates to the body, but this time you're changing the repeat command on the background. You want this to repeat along the y axis.