A reminder: this was the code:
<style type="text/css">
h1.set {position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 50px}
p.set {position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 100px}
And in the body, you'd simply have to put:
<h1 class="set"> This is the heading</h1>
<p class="set"> This is the paragraph</h1>

Shadows are fun

Shadows are fun

A heading

A heading

A heading

This is the heading

This is the paragraph And this is what it looks like on the page. You may notice that they're pretty "set" as to where they end up, even so much that they will overlap the contents of the page, whether it be text or pictures or anything. This can be both good and bad.

I'm going to write over here now, so that I won't get into further problems on this page. Knowing that you can overlap text with other text enables you to do some fun things. Ever thought of making a shadow behind text? Here's how:

Let's put a grey shadow behind green text. All we have to do is to put the text and its shadow in almost the same spot. Here's the code I'd put in the heading:
h1.shadow {position: absolute; top: 250px; left: 20px; color: #666666}
h1.text {position: absolute; top: 253px; left: 23px: #00ff00}
And in the document:
<h1 class="shadow">Shadows are fun</h1>
<h1 class="text">
Shadows are fun</h1>
Note that the text must come after you put the shadow down. The last item you list will be the top layer.

By the way, doing shadows like this is considered annoying if overused, or used incorrectly. If you have something super-fancy you'd like to try, make it into a graphic.